Coordinated with product managers, copy . #581 SHORT Nickname for a short person. Individual judges have repeatedly used the legal doctrine of the best interests of the child to side with the father. A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Smith 6. cork: O'Sullivan derry: Doherty donegal: Gallagher dublin: Byrne galway: Conealy (also commonly spelled Conneely and Connolly) kerry: Sullivan kildare: Kelly kilkenny: Brennan laois: Delaneh leitrim: Kelly limerick: Ryan longford: Reilly louth: Byrne mayo: Walsh meath:Reilly monaghan: Duffy offaly: Kelly roscommon: Kelly sligo: McLoughlin #214 HUDSON Son of Hugh. He was asking about an FBI memo citing . Floor plans are artist's rendering. #564 HESS Person with hood/helmet. Some new demographics of American families, however, approach their names differently. #648 GATES Lives in or behind a gated area. #973 SIERRA Spanish surname meaning mountain range used for families living in or near the Galicia and Asturias regions of northern Spain. #702 McDOWELL From the old Gaelic surname, MacDubhghaill meaning son of the dark one. one of the teachings from the Catholic Church on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. #903 TRUONG Vietnamese surname meaning drawing a bow or archer. #625 MATHIS Family of Matthew. #393 SALINAS Lives in a large building or fortress. In 2018, 8.8 percent of babies born in Shanghai received their mothers family name. #629 RICHARD Brave ruler. #224 HOFFMAN German occupational surname meaning property manager. #918 PHAN Vietnamese surname of unknown meaning. #524 HARTMAN Dutch surname used for a hardy/strong man. It doesnt match my passport. #676 BOYER Bow maker. #621 RANDALL Son of Rand/Rande. Identification. #841 SCHAEFER German occupational surname from the word schfer which means shepherd. Last Tuesday in New York City, members of the National Socialist Party, otherwise known as neo . #857 RAYMOND Counsel protection. Literally means high rock. #655 HORN An occupational surname for someone who either played a horn instrument or made small articles, like spoons, out of animal horn. Means valor, courage. Alberto Quinn 20. Unknown meaning. #147 WELLS From the well spring or water hole. #842 WALLS Someone who lived near or behind a big wall. Someone's last name tells you that somewhere along the line there was an Irish Catholic ancestor, but not that the contemporary person with that surname is either Catholic, Protestant or, for that matter, Irish. Rodriguez is the least white-sounding of all Hispanic last names. Or a form of the Irish/Celtic name Conchobhair, meaning Descendant of the Hound/Desire possibly meaning wolf lover. Brush up on your geography and finally learn what countries are in Eastern Europe with our maps. Literally means forest of pines. #112 FISHER Occupational surname for fisherman. #433 CHRISTENSEN Son of Christian. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, #114 SIMMONS Family of Simon. #550 BARRERA Family that lived near muddy area or ground of clay. #592 HOUSTON From Hughs town. Literally means Forest land. #680 KANE From the town of Caen, in Normandy, France. #981 GOOD Respected/good person. #561 LAMB Occupational surname for a herder of sheep. For the most recent 2010 census data, the race/ethnic origin breakdown for Catholic was: Note: Any fields showing (S) means the data was suppressed for privacy so that the data does not in any way identify any specific individuals. Begin learning more about yourself and your heritage. Many Hispanic people in the U.S. continue traditions of double-barrel surnames. #487 CLARKE Occupational surname for a clerk. #285 ROJAS Red-headed or ruddy complexion. Sephardim fanned out fro Iberia to all parts of the known world: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Ottoman Empire, the New World, Central and . Ireland,limerick image by AGITA LEIMANE from, Ireland,limerick image by AGITA LEIMANE from, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. #347 JENNINGS Family of little John. Infoplease knows the value of having sources you can trust. #168 MUOZ Son of Muo, a personal name that means hill. #390 (73,522) Of Anglo-Norman French origin, this patronymic means "son of Gerald.". One scholar has suggested that the shift could be tied to the end of the countrys one-child policy in 2015: Couples in a major developed city might give the fathers surname to the first-born child and the mothers to the second. #517 BAUER Occupational surname for a worker. #121 REYNOLDS Family or son of Reginald, or the King (rey). #237 RIOS Person who lived near the river. This was another common surname convention, which originated from a father's first name, and then "son" was added, as in Stevenson, Davidson, Robertson, or Richardson. National Library of Ireland: Parish Registers, galway: Conealy (also commonly spelled Conneely and Connolly). #345 SCHWARTZ Person of dark or swarthy complexion. #41 GREEN Occupational surname for a groundskeeper or family that lived near an open green. #705 HUMPHREY From the name elements hun meaning bear cub and fried meaning peace. Interpreted as peaceful warrior. Garcia leapfrogged from number 18 to number eight, while Rodriguez went up from 22 to nine. Literally translates to the willow woods. #485 WISE Wise or educated person. #856 VALENTINE Strong, healthy, valiant. 17. #560 SHAFFER German occupational surname for someone who was a household manager or steward. #262 BISHOP Occupational surname for a bishop. From Old English word, burna. #137 FORD Lives by a shallow place in the river. Slideshow. #102 JENKINS Son of John. We've got you covered with our map collection. The latter derived from the Middle English flo/fla meaning arrow, with the addition of the suffix er (one who does or works with). #358 HOLT Lives by or near the woodlands. Literally means citadel of Julian (Turro-Julio). What Kinds of Clothes Do They Wear in Ireland? Such surnames include Roberts, Lewis, Phillips, Edwards, Evans, Cooper, Hughes, Rogers, Bailey, Scott, and more. #22 PEREZ Son of Pedro (Pedrez/Perez). #378 MANN Strong, manly. For example, in the United States, Smith was the most popular surname in 1990 and retained that spot ten years later. #995 DUKE Leader (of an army or troops). #89 RUIZ Son of Ruy or Roy. #159 PORTER Occupational surname for someone who transported items. #552 PATRICK Nobleman. #664 BONILLA Lives in or near Bonilla in the province of Cuenca, Spain. #734 SNOW Descriptive surname for someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair. #724 MATA Habitational name derived from a number of towns in Spain and Portugal. #508 BALL Descriptive surname for a bald man. Designed, directed, and managed high-quality marketing literature for medical education on procedures and products. #104 RUSSELL Little Red one. Meaning near the water channel, strait. Mallinson knew that their choice was not a popular one for heterosexual American couplesshes a professor of sociolinguistics and gender and womens studies at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, and wrote a 2017 paper that, in part, analyzes patrilineal surname conventions. Basque term meaning Cold Mountain. Burke 30. Kennedy 17. #406 BARBER Occupational surname for a barber. #291 LITTLE Surname from a nick name meaning little man. #890 DUNLAP From the fort by the muddy place. #134 AGUILAR From a place name, meaning Eagle. Powell, Kimberly. #792 DURHAM Habitational surname for a family from Durham, U.K. literally meaning by the hill. #821 LIVINGSTON From the town founded by Leving (given name). #750 WOODARD Contraction of Woodward meaning ward or caretaker of the woods. #164 SHAW Family who lived near a dense wooded area. #13 GONZALEZ Son of Gonzalo. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media. #278 McCOY Anglicized form of a Scottish surname meaning son of Aodh. #306 JUAREZ Son of Suero. With over 30 billion (seriously!) Smith seems to be at the top of the list of the whitest names, followed by Johnson, Miller, Brown, Jones and Williams. #923 QUINTANA Country house. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. In China, the share of women who pass down their family name is on the rise. When Alcia Hernndez Grande, now a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University, got her drivers license as a teenager in Houston in 2004, she remembers that the DMV tried to split her last name, Hernndez Grande, into two parts. #767 JACOBSON Son of Jacob. Literally means River enclosure. #270 SIMS Family of Simon. #324 BARNETT From the place near the clearing (burned place). #163 SILVA Portuguese surname meaning by the woods or forest. In that tradition, Martnez then would be the descendant of Martn. #307 NEWMAN Stranger, newcomer. #950 DONALDSON Son of Donald. #510 SUAREZ From the southern army. #652 FARRELL From the Irish surname,O Fearghail literally means Descendant of the brave man. #272 HOWELL Anglicized form of the Welsh Hywel, meaning eminent. #6 GARCIA Of unknown meaning. #438 HARMON Form of the name Herman, meaning army man. #65 COOK Occupational surname for a cook/chef. #788 GAINES Nickname surname for someone who was very clever. #771 KERR From the word kjarr, meaning wet ground covered with brush. #14 WILSON Son of William. #659 DICKERSON Son of Richard. #464 CASTANEDA Literally translates to chestnut, and might have been used to describe a person with reddish-brown hair or worked a chestnut grove. #772 LEACH Either an occupational surname for someone who worked with leaches (like a doctor) o from the word loecc/loch meaning water or lake for someone who lived near one. #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. #953 MAYNARD Strength, strong. Trivia The name Kimada, which has six letters and is the inverse of Adamik, contains equal proportions of vowels and consonants. #371 GRAVES Occupational surname for a steward, from from Middle English word greyve. It is an eternal promise that we, who, through our concupiscence, are so often wicked, can still be saved, no matter what we have done or how many times we have done it, by turning away from it . #796 STEIN Family of Stephen. #521 McGUIRE From the Irish surname Mag Uidhir meaning son of Odhar which literally means pale-complected. #622 SINGLETON Habitational surname of people who lived in a town named Singleton or in or near a burnt clearing. #969 LEAL Loyal one. When she and her mother pointed out the error, she said officials told her that they couldnt add spaces in the last-name column. #683 DILLON From or near Dilwyn in Herefordshire, UK. Probably used as a nickname for a magician or jokester. #908 CLEMENTS Family of Clement. #732 BEASLEY From the bent grass clearing. They printed her a license in which Hernndez was listed as the middle name and Grande as the last name, shortening her name to Alcia H. Grande. Our supporters have distributed tens of millions of life-changing Catholic gifts since 1991, making us America's largest producer of high-quality, super-affordable tools for evangelization. That started to change by about the 18th century, when coverture lawswhich counted wives as legal property of their husbandsgrew more entrenched in Britain, and evolved to effectively forbid women from owning land at all. #238 ESTRADA Literally means street or way #583 MORA Blackberry. "Top 100 Most Common Last Names in the United States." Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. #265 JENSEN Son of Jens #198 KELLEY Irish surname meaning bright headed or red-headed. #295 WALSH Welsh, foreigner, stranger referring to Celt. Some of the most influential ethnicities that have changed the fabric of American family names include Spanish, Portuguese, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and English settlers who arrived on North American shores and brought their familial nomenclature with them. #79 WARD Guardian #181 WARREN Lives near a warren/animal enclosure. #341 SUTTON From the South. #124 MORENO Brown-skinned. #820 HOWE Lives near a man-made mound or burial mound. In many Spanish-speaking placesincluding Spain, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Mexicochildren traditionally receive the last names of both parents, creating a double-barrel surname. Some states, such as Louisiana, maintain policies that enforce patrilineal surnaming as a default when the father is known and supports the children, unless both partners agree otherwise. #970 CHERRY Occupational surname for someone who grew or sold cherries. #158 SIMPSON Son of Simon. #914 PORTILLO Spanish/Castilian surname meaning small port. #486 GALLEGOS Foreigners. #754 NOLAN From the Gaelic surname ONullain, meaning son or descendent of the Kings herald. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California. #628 BRADFORD From the broad or big ford. #246 BURKE From the burg (town) of the castle. Neil Burdess. #263 MONTGOMERY From a mountain name in France. Literally means meadow or field. Top 100 Most Common Last Names in the United States. History is another factor in determining surnames. "Catholic Last Name Popularity, Meaning and Origin". #962 VU Vietnamese surname meaning fighter/soldier. #9 RODRIGUEZ Son of Rodrigo. #384 McCARTHY Form of the Gaelic Mac Carthaigh meaning son of Carthach (loving). #666 BENITEZ Son of Benito. Mallinson thinks that is partly because of inertia. #231 CARPENTER Occupational surname for a carpenter. Kentucky was populated largely by settlers from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. #28 RAMIREZ Son of Ramiro. #391 CHANG Chinese surname with many meanings. #499 FRANK Person from France. #277 LE Vietnamese surname meaning lives near a pear tree. The surname is a variant of two Irish surnames: " Murchadha"/" Murchadh" (descendant of "Murchadh"), . #791 BARTLETT Son or family of Bartholomew. #725 ROSARIO Contraction of the Spanish Mara del Rosario, given to a girl who was born on the festival of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrated on the first Sunday in October. Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast.