Rahab let go of some of the biggest pieces of her life. I say this for two reasons: 1. She is remembered for the remarkable transformation. Her documented profession as a prostitute keeps her from being a Sunday School staple like Jonah and the Whale or David and Goliath, but her story draws people back over and over again. She asked for what she wanted knowing the Hebrew spies had no reason to give it to her. 77 Amazing Facts To Make You The Most Interesting Person In The Room document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Alonda Tanner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. And she did it in a moment. These colors are historically an important symbol of France. You may get so hung up on the idea that theres a harlot in the lineage of Christ that you may never fully stop to consider the lessons we can learn from Rahab. Esther is one of only two books in the Bible named after a woman. Rehab became a central strategic figure of incomparable courage as she helped Israel to enter the promised land and subdue her own people. Here are some interesting facts about the Tundra: The tundra biome of the Arctic region extends all the way from the North Pole to the coniferous forests in the region of Taiga. For Rahab, the God of Israel is also the God of Jericho. The outer layer of skin is also replaced every month. But she would enter without Moses for he was dead. Know Godwhat do you know and believe about God? How people view us is our stumbling block and often times we associate Gods view of us with mans view of us. Keep digging! On the seventh day, they were to march around the city walls seven times, accompanied by the priests blowing their trumpets. 65. Rahabs story is a reminder that anyone can be used by God, no matter their background or station in life. They chase while keeping their head level. Rahab was from Jericho. <3 Glad to hear this post was helpful! She had to decide what she believed about God. What I admire so much about Rahab is that she took the reckless route. Judges would sit at the city gate to hear cases and render verdicts (Deuteronomy 21:19, Ruth 4:1-2, Psalm 69:12). This story teaches us many things about God, His character, and His faithfulness. This is the type of commitment we were called to have as women following Jesus. The prophet Ezekiel even saw a vision of the glory of God entering through the city gate (Ezekiel 44:2). It could be that Rahab was coerced into her lifestyle. How very beautiful to think that it is a scarlet cord of the covenant of God's grace that binds all of the Word of God together. Rahab: Hero of Faith | Inside Report | Amazing Facts How could it be that Rahab the prostitute became Rahab, the mother of Boaz? containerEl: '#fd-form-63050dacce6421efe0a560d4' she turned out to be amazing. He has composed and performed original music for five albums. If she didnt, theyd be free from their promise to her. Rahab helped the spies escape over the city wall with the aid of a crimson cord lowered through her window, but not before the spies told her that she needed to hang that same scarlet cord in her window when they invaded. Fun Facts about Rahab Villacres's Birthday. 50+ Fascinating Language Facts You Didn't Know [Infographic] We see this played out throughout history, and it continues to happen today. Rahab Was "Declared Righteous by Works" | Imitate Their Faith This week was my week to lead. Keep moving forward! Either that or they seem to be such perfect paragons of virtue (like Hannah who prayed when she was provoked instead of punching her aggressor in the face). Final Thoughts Facts about Rahab in the Bible, Use Google Church Grant For Your Church $10,000 / Month - God Bless Steve, Stuck on Sermon / Need Class Ideas / Outlines / Ask Ja, Copyright 1920-2023 Jesus Leadership Training. a. What did it take to convince her entire family they would be better off living in a whorehouse? It is interesting to note that Matthew is the only biblical writer to tell us that Rahab was the mother-in-law of Ruth. Its widely believed that she was sold as a child and like most people in those situations, couldnt find a way out. We assume that if imperfect people can think so lowly of us how much worse we must be seen in the eyes of a perfect God. Rahab, the woman with whom the spies were staying, protected them by hiding them on her roof. (We'll wait while you go get that globe.) Rahab is listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. According to Joshua 2:1, it was situated on the city wall, which would have made it easy for Rahab to spy on the Israelite army as they approached the city. Rahab and her family were saved from destruction when the Israelites conquered Jericho. There was a time when these descriptions were 100% accurate. How can she save her family from the invading Israelites? She lived in a totally corrupt society that engaged in every kind of sexual perversion and idol worship which included child sacrifice. But what happened to Rahab after that? Righteous Rahab was righteous, as evidenced by her later conversion to faith in God. She also bargained for her family. Lets take a look at the things that Rahab chose to leave behind to gain life with God. When they entered the wilderness they crossed the water of the Red Sea, That Miracle made the inhabitants of the land melt. This may explain why the Israelites were able to destroy the wall by marching around it and making a loud noise. The history of the King of Jericho is found in the book of Joshua. However debaucherous, brothers, bars, and red light districts have often functioned as infamous meetings placed for military espionage. Diana Wallis Taylor is an award-winning author of more than a dozen books, including such novels asHadassah, Queen Esther of Persia; Lydia, Woman of Philippi;Mary, Chosen of God;Ruth, Mother of Kings;Mary Magdalene; andJourney to the Well. Third, Rahab takes great risks to help the spies, including hiding them in her own home. 9. 4. Her past did not disqualify her from receiving Gods mercy. We take those $ and give them to developing our Children's Programs. Forgive my blunt language but when it all boiled down to it, that was the choice Rahabs family had to make: To save her familys lives, Rahab managed to convince her whole family two things: The story of Rahab is about one womans courage and her actions that saved her entire family. The Kingdom of Bhutan uses "Gross National Happiness" as an important national measurement. There it is: "Your God is God." Unmistakably a statement of fact and a confession of faith. Rahab hid the Israelite spies and helped them escape. Because she was ready for the real deal. I am not yet a mother myself. Here's a cool video that will provide you with more language facts about the weirdest languages in the world. "For the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below" (Joshua 2:11). Did God Approve of Rahab's Lie? - Apologetics Press Pigs' orgasms last for 30 minutes. Rahab is one of five women listed in the genealogy of Jesus. Cats have an amazing way of catching their prey. These 200+ Random, Fun, Interesting Facts About Legit Everything Will And that boy would one day marry a widow woman by the name of Ruth (Ruth 4:5, 10). As Christians, we will need to spend time in His Word doing the work to learn more about His character. History Rahab let go of some of the biggest pieces of her life. The Wall of Jericho was a fortified wall that surrounded the ancient city of Jericho. Its a Hebrew commentary that speaks to the literal translation of the Bible. She was rewarded for her kindness and ultimately married Joshua, taking her place in the ranks of righteous converts.. Who Was Rahab? After summarizing what Jericho had heard about God's people, Rahab made the most shocking statement of all. It's also known as the "bleu, blanc, rouge", which means "blue, white, red". Rahab is mentioned in the New Testament in the Letter of James and in the book of Hebrews. Then they heard about the Israelites. The King of Jericho was killed in battle, along with all his soldiers. Hi Shay! Thus, she and her family were saved. 100 Cool Random Fun Facts of the Day That Will Make You Smarter Rahab was also a Canaanite, who were the hated enemies of Israel. My guess is youve heard her described much differently. But as hard as it is to have faith, there are rewards in the end. The Bible tells us that we cant please God without faith: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV). Rahab found God, ran to Him, and didn't let ANYTHING keep her back. Rahabs story is told in Joshua 2:1-24. Rahabs story is a picture of Gods plan of redemption, available to anyone who will believe Him by faith. Their bodies convert waste into protein. She is Known as one of the women of the bible, many women copied the Faith Rahab. All your hair is dead. Rahab was a courageous woman who lived in Jericho just before the Israelites invaded Canaan [1493 BC or 2553 years after Creation]. His name means "lofty, exalted, or high mountain." There is no information about his birth or his early years. Lobsters have bladders on either side of their heads, so they communicate by urinating at each other. Do you have the courage to stay the course? So thankful faith is available for all of us! Here are 15 interesting facts about the US you can now add to your list. He was educated in the palace of Pharaoh and married Zipporah the daughter . She exercised it. By Hebrew definitions, she should be dead. She falls smack in the middle of the children of Israels march to conquer the Promised Land. That's who she is. Rahab is best known for her role in helping the Israelites conquer Jericho. Learn more at the bottom of this page or read my full disclosure policy. 9 Interesting Facts about the Tribe of Judah - Crosswalk.com If they want another lobster to know that they're happy or sad or angry or interested in a relationship, they say it with pee! But we can learn from their mistake and always obey God, even when it is difficult. Heroes of Faith: 5 Vital Lessons from the Life of Rahab Random Fun Facts About Geography 63. Don't let it worry you! They say Gods grace covers our sin so it doesnt really matter how we live. She was a prostitute who became a believer and played a key role in the Israelite conquest of Jericho. This left him an orphan, as his mother had passed when . One million Earths could fit inside the sun. Until the 1980s, it was illegal for a. Moses had passed and appointed Joshua as the new leader of Israel and with Gods blessing and instruction the Israelites were again preparing to enter Canaan (the Promised Land), starting with Jericho. a. Rahab hid the spies and saved them from the king in exchange for her life and her familys. 32 Interesting Facts About Noah and His Ark Andrew Krehbiel 6 MinutesRead Updated: December 12, 2022 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. She trusted in him for the righteousness she could not produce in her own life: I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you. She found God and she ran to Him and He gave her an entirely new identity. This raises an important question: did Rahab have any family in Jericho? The Harlot Who Pleased God: the Story of Rahab This could mean that she simply provided them with lodging and food, or it could imply that she engaged in sexual activity with them, . pic.twitter.com/X8oPHr9usC Tami Dooms (@TamiDooms) August 6, 2022, Tonights living by faith example is Rahab, who expressed her faith in the living God: the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath. (Joshua 2:11). 4. She was willing to abandon it if it meant getting to know the One true God. But instead, she protected them and helped them escape. Asians eat cats. Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges. Trusts in God. 4. RAHAB the PROSTITUTE, the walls of Jericho come tumbling down Something tells me she had been waiting for an opportunity like this; a chance to escape the darkness in Canaan and the hurt of her life. Rahab - Wikipedia As Rahab lived in the wilderness among the Israelites, she had to wrestle with this question. When we read the story of Rahab we assume that she was a Canaanite. 3. Rahab is praised for her faith in Hebrews 11:31. In conclusion, there is reason to believe that Rahab did have family in Jericho. First, Rahab is described as a prostitute. It is possible that she was forced into this profession due to poverty or other circumstances. In the Book of Joshua, Rahab (a heroine nonetheless known as "Rahab the Harlot") assisted two Israelite spies in escaping out a window and down the city wall of Jericho. As they did so, Joshua commanded the people to shout out loudly. The women in my family do a Bible study each week and we are currently doing the women of the Bible. As a result of her actions, she and her family were spared when the city was destroyed. Ive always wondered, but I think Rahab had enough flax to completely cover the two Israelite spies. As they began yet another march around the city, the dust rose in their wake and the blare of horns again pierced the air. Rahab also had to convince her whole family to move into her house if they wanted to be saved. Learn more by visiting my Disclosures Page. And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath (Joshua 2:9-11 ESV). It portrays a lack of commitment or diligence; sometimes to a task and other times towards a person or relationship. Below is a list of common discussion questions for the story of Rahab and Joshua 2 Bible study questions. What if she was actually the descendant of Joseph, a member of the Ephraimite tribe? Alaska is both the most western and most eastern state in the United States. Definitely look into the Midrash! Rahab saves spies Joshua 2:1-7 The Hebrew tribes led by Joshua came into Canaanite territory, where they encountered city states who did not welcome the intruders. She identified the spies for what they were, hid them, and had a convincing story ready with which to deceive the king's men. From a security standpoint, the gates served as the main point of entry into the city and were heavily guarded. The sun makes up more than 99% of the mass in our solar system. I love how beautifully these lyrics reflect that. She chose to believe in the God of the Hebrews over the gods of her own people. Rahab married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. But not Rahab. Later, in Joshua 6, we are told that Rahabs house was located in the city wall, suggesting that she operated her business out of a brothel.While Rahab is the topic of this message she is the perfect picture of how Gods grace can change a life forever. 4. Moses Aaron Facts for 9-13 Year Olds Categories: Men in the Old Testament, Moses Aaron is Moses' older brother. Rahab helped the Israelite spies escape after their mission was complete. Id love to find out where you got that from. }); The power of covenant in the Bible can be summed up by the fact that the God of the Bible is the only God who publicly and privately keeps His covenants. Of course, the Canaanites were infamous for cultic prostitution related to idolatrous worship. Article Images Copyright , The Scarlet Cord: Rahab's Bible Story & Our Story, 10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal. Rahabs profession may have been seen as shameful by some, but she is still remembered as a heroic figure in biblical history. Christian Truth. It is thought that the wall was constructed using mud bricks, which would have made it vulnerable to collapse if they became wet. 90% of U.S. media (TV, news, radio) is owned by 6 companies. To learn more visit and subscribe: https://michaelmilton.org/about/. My childhood was composed of a simple mother-daughter relationship. Also, my 14 year old niece pointed out that the Matthew scripture reference should be Matthew 16:25 instead of Matthew 17:32-33 (which doesnt exist). She refused to nurture those things anymore. PDF Small Group Questions: Part 2 - Detours Read - Seacoast Church The answer can be found in Rahabs character. PDF Women's - New Life Presbyterian Church Rahab, or Rachab (wide), a celebrated woman of Jericho who received the spies sent by Joshua to spy out the land, hid them in her house from the pursuit of her countrymen, was saved with all her family when the Israelites sacked the city, and became the wife of Salmon and the ancestress of the Messiah. Im sure that someone who had a reputation as a prostitute would have had difficulties shaking off the labels placed on her by society. Grit, abandon, and surrender. Generous Rahab was generous, as she gave her own Jericho house to the spies. Simply the best collection of interesting facts, weird facts and useless facts. Faith requires a belief in God and that God exists. 113 Fun Facts to Amaze Anyone You Meet - PrepScholar Read the fullaffiliate disclosure. Rehab became a central strategic figure of incomparable courage as she helped Israel to enter the promised land and subdue her own people. 4. The peoples beloved leader Moses is dead and Joshua, the new guy in charge, sends two spies to check out the land of Jericho which is the first barrier between the Israelites and Canaan. 2. It's funded by membership dues, non-member donations, bequests and major gifts and donations from its 275 chapters. As a result, Rahab became an instrument of Gods plan for His people. Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. Rahab was a prostitute. Or remain where they were and trust in the security of the city walls and the strength of their army. Thanks for sharing your experience with me , I used to think Rahab was only a prostitute and she wanted to sleep with the Christian spies. Learn more at the bottom of this page or read my full disclosure policy.What do you know about Nimrod and the story of the Tower of Babel? After the fall of Jericho, the Israelites went on to conquer the rest of Canaan. Learn more about theStory of Rahab from Christianity.com. The confidence in Rahabs statements here astounds me. The word "harlot" is undoubtedly repeated so that you and I will know that whatever we have done God will forgive us if we come to him by faith. Her bravery saved the lives of the Israelite spies and ultimately led to the fall of Jericho. Im glad your faith was boosted by Rahabs story. Read More How to Make A Jesse Tree?Continue. There is no more touching story of God's glorious grace than the genealogical introduction to the birth of Jesus by faith through the line of Joseph in Matthew chapter 1. Required fields are marked *. PDF Interesting Facts About Ruth - Bible Charts Her circumstances are unknown, but her family may have experienced brokenness that deeply affected her. The rabbis viewed Rahab as a worthy convert to Judaism, and attested that Rahab married Joshua following her conversion; their descendants included the prophets Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Seraiah, Mahseiah, Baruch, Ezekiel and the prophetess Hulda, [22] although there is no report in the book of Joshua of the leader marrying anyone, or having any family 101 Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Kids' Minds | Mommy Poppins The word translated as harlot or prostitute in our English Bibles is the Hebrew word znh (pronounced zaw-naw). Why? If you wish to use an image or any other content of this blog, contact connect@lotanner.com prior to using the content. But more importantly, it may give you a desire to revisit the book of Exodus to experience once again the wondrous things God did on behalf of His people. 2. When I hear Tower of Babel my, Read More Nimrod and the Story of the Tower of BabelContinue, Its easy to overlook the importance of repentance in the Bible. Its been fascinating to read through different portions of it! In the Old Testament, they are seemingly unrelated. In Rahabs day, it was normal for women to be bought and sold for sex (or even marriage). Jericho was situated on a main highway at the crossroads of three continents. Rahab - Her Life & Story in the Bible - Crosswalk.com Here are a few highlights. Fact: Dead skin cells are a main ingredient in household dust Here's an interesting science fact for you: According to researchers at Imperial College London, humans shed around 200 million skin. Rahabs story isnt long though its longer than many stories in the Bible, but what little there is of the story is profound. What I admire so much about Rahab is that she took the reckless route. Judah married a Canaanite woman named Shua. Did she live on the wall of Jericho or within it, in what is known to archaeologists as a casemate wall? The Israelites had been instructed by God to march around the city for seven days, and on the seventh day, they were to shout and blow their trumpets. Answer: True According to Matthew 1:5-6, Rahab was the great-great grandmother of David. Rahab - Lockyer's All the Women of the Bible - Bible Gateway Rahab is praised for her faith in Hebrews 11:31. Its the type of surrender that invites God to do the work only a sovereign God can do. Who loves her family. Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Her name was Rahab. Rahabs faith in God engrafted her into a new family. For this reason, they were often adorned with symbols of strength and protection, such as lions or dragons. I hope you enjoyed this summary of the story of Rahab in the Bible! Even more, Rahab was, soon, engrafted into the physical family of Israel as she became the wife of Salmon, one of the leaders of Israel who supported Moses when they left Egypt. According to the Bible, the walls of Jericho were destroyed by Joshua and the Israelites when they invaded the city (Joshua 6:1-27). Had two sons who were wicked, so the Lord put them to death. Wouldnt the Father ensure a pure lineage for His Son? Lobsters communicate with their bladders. You can't detour out of the grace of God. In exchange for her good deeds, the Israelite spies promised that IF Rahab was alive when they returned and IF she kept the scarlet rope (which they used to escape that night) hanging from her window when the Israelites invaded Jericho, Rahab and those in her home would be kept safe. Your nails also follow the same principle - hair and nails are both made of the protein keratin. Interesting Facts - 101 Fun Facts that Educate and Amaze "OMG!" The rabbis imagine her as a superhumanly seductive woman who knows the secrets of all the men in Jericho, as well as the ultimate example of repentance. My friend, you can be like Rahab the prostitute, you can choose to live a life that pleases God. No matter the hairstyle and no matter the thickness, the average human being has around 100,000 hairs growing on their head at any one time. As a result, when Jericho is conquered, Rahab and her family are spared. This content may contain affiliate links. In a lot of modern churches, they claim theres not really a need for it. Either way, it is clear that Rahab was involved in prostitution. The spies disobeyed God by not going into the land when He told them to, and they were punished for it. Despite her profession, she was a woman of faith who put her trust in the God of Israel. Attention, class! One of the things I love most about Rahab is how considerate she was. (the head of Lets Talk Bible Study) unless otherwise stated. The word for "window" appears three times in the Rahab narrative (Josh 2: 15, 18, 21) when she helps the men escape and marks her house so it will be spared destruction.Windows have a prominent role in the stories of several other biblical women: Michal (2 Sam 6:16), the mother of Sisera (Judg 5:28 -31), and Jezebel (2 Kgs 9:30).All these women are looking through their palace windows . I received an advanced readers copy from the publishers through Celebrate Lit; a positive review was not required. Did she expect that she would one day be the ancestor of Christ? Canaan was well known for sexual perversions and abuses. Second, Rahab reminds us that anyone can be saved by Gods grace. But the Hebrew word, zn, is interpreted in the Septuagint as prn. But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho--and she lives among the Israelites to this day. Rahabs story is one of my absolute favorites. And the words He speaks never return void. }); While the Canaanites were living large and partying doing all the things that were grotesquely sinful things (child sacrifices, idol worship, pagan rituals including but not limited to sexual perversions), God was faithfully bringing the Israelites to the land He had promised them in Genesis 15:18-21 and Exodus 33:1-3. Then I will introduce you to the woman of the scarlet cord, the greater grandmother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She KNEW the life she had been living was a lie and she was desperate to find the truth. This is what set the God of the Bible apart from the false gods of other nations. 1. Are you ready to dig in? 2. She trusted that God would see beyond what everyone else saw and choose to save her over all the people in Jericho. For a full list of well-rounded questions, I invite you to click here and print our free Rahab Bible study pdf worksheet! Im just constantly amazed the more I learn. Are you ready to dig deep into the story of Rahab? 2. See, despite her many shortcomings, there is one character of Rahabs that Christian women in a sin-driven world should be eager to adopt: Abandon. Rahab is the ever-present message of God to you: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. But there's more to the story of Rahab so much more. I can forget my past and move forward in God. This is one of my favorite chapters to work through in the Rahab Bible Study (find it here!). This act of bravery led to Rahab and her family being spared when Jericho was destroyed. Its also a misunderstanding of the actual gospel message. She is popularly known as the prostitute who helped the Israelite spies. She refused to nurture those things anymore. This was especially important at night when the gates would be closed and only those with the proper credentials would be allowed to enter. While we cannot be certain, it is possible that she was motivated to help the Israelites because she wanted to protect her loved ones from harm. 30 Of The Happiest Facts Ever | Bored Panda So glad we could answer some of those questions for you! 95 Fun Facts That Will Amaze You By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer Published August 19, 2020 American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. Rahabs house was located in the city of Jericho. 66. The story of Rahab is found in the Book of Joshua, and it teaches several important lessons. 1. What made her do that? This is the perspective taken in Rahab Woman of Jericho and its an interesting one. So, while city gates served many purposes in Bible times, their most important function was as a place where people could meet with God. One of the best things about being a human being is collecting all kinds of random knowledge and trivia throughout our lives. What if she had had an unrealistic impression of her own strength? 5. Third, this story teaches us about Gods mercy and grace. Thus, we read of Rahabs identity in the New Testament: By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies (Hebrews 11:31 ESV).