There, dos Santos caught Goodenbour's attention as her conference's Freshman of the Year and MVP to go with third team All-American honors while recording 51 blocks, 31 steals and 19 double . The invitation which reportedly noted that donors would also receive a round-trip bus ride from New York to Washington, D.C., a luncheon and a tour of the Capitol grounds By the time I turned 20, a friends scheme to sell cocaine attracted me and I joined him. I am 100% transparent and authentic. After earning publishing credentials by bringing two books to market with academic publishers, I opened a relationship with a literary agent. With Point2, you can easily browse through La Tunas, Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico single family homes for sale, townhomes, condos and commercial properties, and quickly get a general perspective on the real estate market. She could rely upon those earnings to support herself while she returned to school with a long-term plan to become a nurse. Updated January 19, 2021. . School didnt interest me and I was driven by money rather than building good character. Contact him today! {raw:e,short:"$"+this.getShortNumber(e),dollars:"$"+parseInt(e).toLocaleString(),dollarsWithoutCommas:"$"+parseInt(e,10),dollarsWithCents:"$"+e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:2,minimumFractionDigits:2})}:null},getShortNumber:function(e){if(e||0===e){var t,r=!1;return e<0&&(r=!0,e*=-1),e<1e4?t=e.toLocaleString():e<999500?(t=Math.round(e/1e3).toString(),t+="K"):e<105e4?t="1M":e<9995e4?(t=(Math.round(e/1e5)/10).toFixed(1).toString(),t+="M"):(t=Math.round(e/1e6).toString(),t+="M"),r? If I did well, within five years of completing my sentence, Carole and I would have our first $1 million in assets. The Agent and Company. Previous He married my mother and they had my sister, Julie, on November 23, 1963. That strategy changed the way that I think. Francis D. Santore and Theresa A. Santore of Becket to Michael C. Jordan and Amy Bainbridge-Jordan, $180,000 on 02/14/2023. I grew from wiring residential properties to commercial properties. (this.rightoffold(e,t,r,a)||this.leftofbegin(e,t,r,a)||this.belowthefold(e,t,r,a)||this.abovethetop(e,t,r,a))},findEdges:function(e){var t;if(e&&e.length){var r=e.offset();r&&(t={,left:r.left,,right:r.left+e.width()})}return t}},n.string={reverse:function(e){for(var t=e.length-1,r="";t>=0;r+=e[t--]);return r},getPrice:function(e){return e||0===e? "Last 7 Days":i>=7&&i<14? 1 hour ago in Michael Canino PREMIUM. That correspondence turned into a romance. Real Estate Agent. As youll see from the story that follows, I made a series of bad decisions during my youth. The Agent and Company. By using the $2,000 I raised in prison, and margin loans that the brokerage house extended, I began investing in the leading Internet stocks of the day. In early November 2018, the Federal Trade Commission initiated a lawsuit that would change my career and my life. (a.remove.push(e),a.add.push(e)):a.keep.push(e):a.remove.push(e)}),t.each(function(t,r){e.hasItem(t)||a.add.push(t)})):a.remove=e.keys():t&&t.length>0&&(a.add=t.keys()),a},round:function(e,t){return Number(Math.round(e+"e"+t)+"e-"+t)}},{getXYbyLatLng:function(e,t,r){if(isNaN(parseFloat(e))||isNaN(parseFloat(t))||isNaN(parseInt(r,10)))return null;var a=parseInt(256*Math.pow(2,r-1)+t*(256*Math.pow(2,r)/360)),n=Math.sin(e*Math.PI/180);return n.9999&&(n=.9999),{x:a,y:parseInt(256*Math.pow(2,r-1)+.5*Math.log((1+n)/(1-n))*(-256*Math.pow(2,r)/(2*Math.PI)))}},getLatLngByPixel:function(e,t,r){if(isNaN(parseInt(e,10))||isNaN(parseInt(t,10))||isNaN(parseInt(r,10)))return null;var a=e*(360/(256*Math.pow(2,r)))-180,o=t*(2/(256*Math.pow(2,r)));return o=1-o,o*=Math.PI,,{lat:o,lng:a}},getRadiansByDegrees:function(e){return e*(180/Math.PI)},getDistance:function(e,t,r,a,n){if(isNaN(parseFloat(e))||isNaN(parseFloat(t))||isNaN(parseFloat(r))||isNaN(parseFloat(a)))return null;var o=Math.PI*e/180,i=Math.PI*r/180,s=t-a,c=Math.PI*s/180,l=Math.sin(o)*Math.sin(i)+Math.cos(o)*Math.cos(i)*Math.cos(c);return l=Math.acos(l.toPrecision(14)),l=180*l/Math.PI,l=60*l*1.1515,"K"==n&&(l*=1.609344),"N"==n&&(l*=.8684),l},getDecodedPolygon:function(e){var t=function(e){for(var t=e.split("$"),r=[],a=0;a-1&&e.push(t+5e3);for(;t<1e6;)t+=25e3,e.push(t);for(;t<2e6;)t+=1e5,e.push(t);for(;t<3e6;)t+=25e4,e.push(t);for(;t<5e6;)t+=5e5,e.push(t);for(;t<1e7;)t+=1e6,e.push(t);for(;t<=25e6;)t+=25e5,e.push(t);"citysnap")&&(e=e.filter(function(e){return 0===e||e>19e4}));for(var{return{value:e,label:e<=1e6? They accused the developer of operating one of the largest real estate scams in the history of the FTC. I began studying toward a Ph.D. at The University of Connecticut. Then I worked with Carole to launch a residential care facility for the elderly. RE/MAX Estate Properties (310) 614-5810 Contact Bennett Mark License# 01049941. Search for real estate in Taipei City, Taiwan and find real estate listings in Taipei City, Taiwan. But there is no telling how long it will take before we get our money back. Homesnap.templates["controllers/DownloadMobileAppForm.html"] = '{{#with data}}
US mobile numbers only. Zillow Review. 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It would be crucial for me to make the best possible use of the 9,500 days I would live as a prisoner. Michael A. Santos is on Facebook. ")),t.url=t.url.concat("brokerageid=",n),n&&window.location.replace("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(t.url)),!1}},n.reload={withUtmTags:function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||e.constructor!==Object)return!1;var t={promoCampaign:"utm_campaign",promoSource:"utm_source",promoMedium:"utm_medium",promoTerm:"utm_term",promoContent:"utm_content",promoDate:"date",salesUserID:"sdr",triggerEmailSubject:"subj"},r=Object.keys(e).map(function(r){if(e[r])return"".concat(t[r],"=").concat(e[r])}).filter(Boolean).join("&"),a="".concat(window.location.origin).concat(window.location.pathname,"? Dec. 19, 2022. Mary Al Shade Chapel Hill Office Manager. 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Despite the many advantages my parents provided, I made a series of bad decisions as an adolescent. :\=([^&]+))?/g;t=a.exec(e);)r=r||{},"string"==typeof t[2]?r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=decodeURIComponent(t[2]):"="!==e.charAt(e.indexOf(t[1])+t[1].length)&&(r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=!0);return r},parseUrl:function(e){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return null;var t=/^(http:|https:)?(?:\/\/)?(([^\/\:]+)?(?:(?:\:)([\d]+))?)?(\/[^\s\?]*)(\?[^\#\s]+)? [e]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e];null!==(n=window.Homesnap.mlsVersionNumber)&&void 0!==n||window.Homesnap.versionNumber;i.forEach(function(e){var n,i=window.Homesnap.versionNumber;if(-1==e.indexOf("https://")&&0!=e.indexOf("//")){var s=e.toLowerCase();e=t.cssAppHashes&&!t.cssAppHashes["".concat(s)]? Education Director . I committed myself to writing a minimum of 1,000 words every day. . Searching homes for sale in La Tunas, Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico has never been more convenient. However, his unhealthy relationship with them takes its toll and he soon gets pulled . Don't Neglect These 6 Maintenance Tasks - Or Else, Debunked! For 26 years (from 1987 until 2013) I was a federal prisoner. While the newly elected New York congressman . Click the boxes below to learn more about a journey that led me through 26 years in prison to successful, law-abiding, contributing citizen. 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We have to take incremental action steps. Lisa Adams DuBose New Agent Brokerage Trainer. "Pending":"Contract",i="#ff7f17";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.sold)o=s? I raised capital for a start-up business that specialized in the cancellation of timeshare contracts. Platinum agents are empowered by the most innovative and powerful technology tools HAR offers, which are designed to enable clients with premium content, faster response time, rating and review, and many marketing tools. Those accomplishments included my academic degrees, courses I created and taught in prison, published writings, and testimonial letters from several distinguished mentors who had come into my life. Embattled Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) advertised that donors could pay between $100 and $500 to attend his swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday, according to several outlets. We ran into a deal breaking issue halfway into my closing process and he was excellent at working out a solution with me to bring the deal over the line. The recession had decimated markets across the United States, and many people worried about a lack of opportunity. Read reviews, see agent listings, and contact for all your real estate needs. )/g;return"string"==typeof e?e.match(t):null}},{getDateInfo:function(e){if(e){var t,r=new Date(e),a={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric"},o={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric",hour:"numeric",minute:"numeric",second:"numeric"},i=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],s=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],c=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];return{raw:r.getTime(),date:r,month:r.getMonth()+1,day:r.getDate(),year:r.getFullYear(),monthDayYear:r.getMonth()+1+"/"+r.getDate()+"/"+r.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),formattedDate:r.toLocaleString("en-us",a),formattedDateTime:r.toLocaleString("en-us",o),shortMonth:s[r.getMonth()],longMonth:c[r.getMonth()],formattedTime:r.toLocaleTimeString("en-us",{hour:"2-digit",minute:"2-digit"}),,,shortDay:i[r.getDay()],longDay:null===(||void 0===t?void 0:t.dayFull}}return null},getAgo:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),a=Math.round(r/1e3),n=Math.round(a/60),o=Math.round(n/60),i=Math.round(o/24),s=Math.round(i/7),c=Math.round(i/30);return a<=0? RE/MAX Luxe (818) 383-8100 Contact Annie Lavallee . I am grateful to the many mentors that came into my life as I worked through those first five years of imprisonment. JOSE SANTOS REAL ESTATE, Caguas. All it takes is a vision. (806) 796-0599 AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names for Frances Hardin in Lubbock, TX. "This Year":"All Time"}},getTicks:function(e){if(e)return parseFloat(e.toString().replace(/\D/g,""))},getDuration:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0;if(! The 10-member . When asked about the ruling, Gianaris said it "wasn't surprising" while asserting it will not be . ");return t.slice(t.length-2).join(". "In state":"Absentee - In state";case 2:return t? If you like this property and are also considering selling your current home, now, you may find out how. About Michael Santos with Realty Executives Boston West Framingham After my first year of study toward the doctorate, the prison system put a block to my program. Then I acquired a property in Orange County, which became my sixth rental property. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString()}:null},getLotSize:function(e){return e? Santos, a New York Republican notorious for falsifying his resume, education, religion and family history, introduced legislation Tuesday that would increase the deduction, known as SALT, to $50,000. "-".concat(t):t}return null},getNumber:function(e){return e||0===e? //# sourceMappingURL= Later, the federal judge that presided over my trial sentenced me to 45 years. Homesnap.templates["controllers/Header.html"] = '{{#with data}}
{{/with}}'; By living deliberately, I created a success mindset. You will also receive email alerts when homes On August 12, 2012, authorities allowed me to transfer to a halfway house in San Francisco, where I would serve my final year. I'm Michael Santos with Alternative Investment Seminars. The . Michael Cohen, a former personal lawyer to Donald Trump, said he believes he soon will testify before a New York grand jury as part of a criminal probe of the former president. The pathway to creating wealth, Im convinced, is by owning assets that appreciate in value. Please limit your comment to 500 characters. But I had a strategy, articulated by the three points above. One thing we know for sure is that the controversial Long Island Republican has been the perfect . Message and data rates may apply.{{/with}}'; Some of those publications include: I began building a credit score. Real Estate App 502,000+ Michael Santos Mindset Alexa Skill (coming soon!) Ten-X holds real estate
{{/with}}'; Experience of overseeing hundreds of stock trades, with a cumulative value of more than $20 million. Homesnap.templates["controllers/SearchDropdown.html"] = '{{#with data}}{{#each this}} {{#if header}} {{/if}} {{#each items}}
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    Too far away. That strategy changed the way that I thought. On Friday, I reported for my first day of work with a real estate developer. In 2003, she moved from Oregon to New Jersey so we could begin building our life together. On Thursday, I went to apply for my drivers license. Company Website. Through those published writings, my support network grew exponentially. Michael Santos is a top rated real estate professional with investment property experience. ").concat(r);window.location.replace(a)}},n.showing={getStylesBasedOnStatus:function(e){var"citysnap"),r={mapMarkerFill:t? Bsqueda de Bienes Races - Venta en Puerto Rico Real Estate Search . Together with my business partner, Justin Paperny, I began selling courses that I created. The tactics I pursued guided me through the first five years of my imprisonment. "Rented":"Sold",i="#f71200";else if((e.listing.sListingStatus.inactive||e.listing.sListingStatus.removed)&&(i="#006DC7",o="Off-Market",e.listing.mlsStatus)){var c=e.listing.offMarketDate?" Michael Delos Santos Brandon Investment Properties mail I traveled to Belize, and then to Costa Rica. By using resources that I earned from my earlier trading, I bound the portfolio of documents with a plastic binder and I began distributing it to others. In one real estate adjacent narrative, Santos claimed during a 2020 meeting that he accidentally flipped a table onto Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman. During his tenure, GIC grew from a relatively small real estate investor to one of the largest and most respected real estate investors globally, with real estate debt and equity investments in more than 40 countries and across all property sectors. Carole married me inside of a prison visiting room on June 24, 2003. define("modules/SearchRecentSearches",["require","Objects","Utilities"],function(e){function t(){return c||(c=r()||[]),c}function r(){return d.get(!0,n,525600)}function i(){var e=t();d.set(!0,n,e)}function a(e){var r=t();if("object"==typeof e&&e.type_){for(var a,s=0;so&&(r.length=o),i(),!0}}return!1}function s(e){return t().slice(0,e)}var c,S=e("Objects"),n=(e("Utilities"),"Searches"),o=25,d=new S.LocalStorage("SearchRecentSearches");return{save:a,get:s}}); Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Php 8,893,000. . 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"#b0b0b0":"#6b758a",h=new t("Appointment Only",m,null);r.push(h),3===r.length&&r.shift()}}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.contingent){var f=new t("Contingent","#00B100",null);r.push(f)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.shortSale){var y=new t("Short Sale","#00b100",null);r.push(y)}else if({var b=new t("Auction","#00b100",null);r.push(b)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.realEstateOwned){var v=new t("Real Estate Owned","#f71200",null);r.push(v)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.foreclosure){var w=new t("Foreclosure","#00b100",null);r.push(w)}}else if(e&&e.propertyID){var S="Off-Market";if(e.attributes&&e.attributes.mlsStatus){var x=e.attributes.offMarketDate?" Large newspapers from across the United States, including the Los Angeles Times Sunday Book Review and the New York Times Sunday Book Review brought my books to the attention of more readers, building my credibility and boosting my support network. Those bad decisions led me into the criminal justice system. Zillow (Canada), Inc. holds real estate brokerage licenses in multiple provinces. 442-H New York Standard Operating Procedures New York Fair Housing NoticeTREC: Information about brokerage services, Consumer protection noticeCalifornia DRE #1522444Contact Zillow, Inc. Condominium For Sale. I'm a real estate agent with Brandon Investment Properties in Daytona Beach, Florida and the nearby area, providing home-buyers and sellers with professional, responsive and attentive real estate services. By living transparently and documenting my journey, Im striving to live as the change that I want to see in the world. My felony background led to licensing complications. (a.conversationLong="".concat(e[o.getDay()]," ").concat(a.formattedTime),a.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],a):(a.conversationLong="".concat(a.monthDayYear," ").concat(a.formattedTime),a.conversationShort=a.monthDayYear,a)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 21 July, 2021. Anyone can begin a pathway to build prosperity. When the Internet bubble burst, the concentrated, heavily leveraged positions I held in volatile stocks resulted in the loss of several hundred thousand dollars in equity. 12, 2012. By earning another academic credential, I anticipated that I would become more resourceful, capable of opening more opportunities to succeed upon release. (t.instagram=!0,"Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? By Michael Gold and Grace Ashford. Public backlash is not stopping Long Island and Queens Rep.-elect George Santos from trying to milk still-loyal supporters for money . Find real estate agent & Realtor Michael Santos in Framingham, MA on, your source for top rated real estate professionals. By the time I turned 20, a friends scheme to sell cocaine attracted me and I joined him. Besides working toward a masters degree, I incorporated self-directed learning strategies to train myself how to communicate better. Rather than dwelling on the problems I created, by reading Socrates (and later other philosophers) I learned how to think differently about my role in society. Brandon Investment Properties 1060 Magnolia Ave Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Contact. View Michael Santos bio, Listings by Michael Santos, Neighborhoods where Michael Santos is active and more. If a consumer is uncertain about whether a person is licensed check our on-line licensee database HERE. During that final year that I would have to serve in the halfway house, I pledged to create new opportunities. REALTORS, and the REALTOR logo are controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. In May of 2014, I made a transition from the San Francisco Bay area to Southern California. What would they expect from me? {{else if autocompleteStatus.notCombinable}}
    Area not combinable. Property in California had grown to such a level that it made sense for me to begin looking in other markets. A bachelors degree from Mercer University, A masters degree from Hofstra University, A long-list of published articles, chapters, and books. Next Send a Message . Read about Settlement with the Federal Trade Commission,, Lessons About Building Wealth While Sleeping, Setting Priorities Helped Me Build $5 Million in Assets While Sleeping, Michael Santos Mindset Alexa Skill (coming soon!).