Ive always viewed sex as sacred. Yang: Yang is portrayed as positive, active, and masculine. And the final way to tap into your dark feminine energy and reclaim your feminine power is to practice being open with yourself and others. Wounded feminine energy is caused by unsafe, traumatic, and/or abusive experiences in our past. The Goddess Movement phenomenon thats rising up all over the internet certainly has a lot to say about it the expression of divine feminine energy. I want to point out that there is an empowered way to channel your dark feminine energy, and there is also a way to do it that will disempower you. Together, the two sides create the divine . 4. There is a light side and a dark side to the feminine, and dark feminine energy is, you guessed it, the dark side. Shadow work refers to doing the inner work to meet and accept all of these emotions and unite your dark side with your conscious, light side so that you grow comfortable with your whole self and gain a greater understanding of your true nature. When you live your life wide open in this way, you bring peace into your world, establish more authentic connections, and enjoy your full radiance. Use this time to connect to her by creating your own ritual, journaling, meeting your shadow self, and releasing anything you do not want to bring with you into the new cycle. Hindi, English, Punjabi. The menstrual cycle is split into four main phases, or seasons as I call them, and each phase is linked to one of natures seasons, a moon phase, and an archetype. Hell is down there, underground, isnt it? You can use journal prompts to help you get started or focus on a question or obstacle lingering in your mind for a while. How To Attract The Man You Want Using Your Feminine Energy (3 Masculine energy It's all about taking action; loves to build; and, loves to fix things. This is something all women deserve to feel good about. That magic is silly and doesnt exist. Paradoxically, women who only embody the lighter feminine traits such as gentleness, softness, patience, and nurture are way more likely to sit quiet, do as theyre told,and behave like good girls. (shelved 2 times as dark-feminine-energy) avg rating 4.21 2,519 ratings published 2016. Understand how to 'Choose the Right Victim', 'Appear to Be an Object of Desire' and 'Confuse Desire and Reality'. If you want to learn how to embrace dark feminine energy, youve got to begin with a foundation of deep love and acceptance for yourself. Dark feminine energy is nothing to be afraid of (unless youre a shallow man stuck in toxic masculinity and not ready to feel the full, magnetic force of the sacred feminine). The dark and light sides reside in everything in the world of duality. Reflect. Popular culture LOVES to jump on a bandwagon, and have you noticed recently that everywhere you look, the Dark Goddess is being commodified? Being single and choosing not to get married? . Goodbyes? So take a look around you. Quite simply, the Dark Feminine has been suppressed because she is hard to control. Menstrual blood is sacred. Embrace of the Daimon: Healing through the Subtle Energy Body: Jungian Psychology & the Dark Feminine. , Manipulating others rather than speaking your truth, Having sex even when it doesnt feel in alignment with your highest self. This is how we go from being a victim to an alchemist. But this was total bullshit and had the opposite effect. Spring (the follicular phase) and summer (ovulation) are seen as the light side of the feminine. It may seem like Dark Feminine energy is opposed to many of the "light" feminine qualities you probably know about (such as gentleness, softness, receptivity, etc. Today, Nikki talks with Sheila Kelley as they delve into the topic of female empowerment in this inspiring episode. So unless you can allow the vital chaos of nature to also rise within you, youre complicit in the paradigm of control. By embracing our inner wild woman, and our rainbow of emotions, we can understand what lies beneath our pain and start to heal those wounds. Duality is the basis of feminine energy - you can't have the light without the dark. Gaze across the ocean, look into a lake or soak in a bathtub full of water. Going inward. And awakening divine beauty, sensuality, receptivity, and creativity is essential to our flourishing as women. We can still see the effects of this today in the way that we distrust other women and stab each other in the back out of fear and scarcity. Your dark feminity lies in standing out. Many of us are so busy that we rarely take time to listen to what's going on inside of us. Which of Her traits can YOU feel emerging? The capitalist, colonial, patriarchal structures our modern world operates through, have taught us that the Dark Feminine issynonymous with bad or negative. Because women were meant to be good, loving, empathetic, and kind and all women and young women knows it. 3. Not too long ago, we went through a weird phase where as women, we were convinced that casual sex was our ticket to empowerment and gaining equality with men. Trusting, and following your desires can be a sacred duty, and an act of rebellion in a society that wants women to put up with a mediocre life. Finding Your Dark Feminine Energy. Spend Time Around Divine Feminine Goddess Energy. Download Embrace Your DARK FEMININITY song and listen Embrace Your DARK FEMININITY MP3 song offline. When this womb is open and flowing with the taste of milk and honey, men feel this firstly as a polar vortex as non-combativeness. This has connotations of letting go of sovereignty and relinquishing choice. 10 Ways to Access Dark Feminine Energy. Perhaps the first example of a benign God or Goddess. Embrace Change. Turn on the tunes, tap into your feminine core and let your inner dancing queen shine. So step into the darkness, explore, and rewrite your definition of what it means to be a woman in this lifetime. This is not a true representation of the feminine. Your cycle connects you to the earth, the seasons, the feminine archetypes, the moon, and the bridge between the worlds. But thats not even a fraction of the story! Reconnect with the magic of your sacred cycle. But if we want to embrace dark feminine energy and divine feminine energy as a whole, we must heal this feminine wound. , What is the difference between light and dark feminine? In ancient times, women came together to bleed and honor the moon, and their menstrual blood was used in ceremonies in temples. To learn how to embrace dark feminine energy, you have to start with a very deep foundation of self-love and acceptance. For more ideas, check out this article: Powerful Acts Of Self Love To Show Yourself Today. It's about setting boundaries, saying no to people and manifesting success. "Text him 'come over' and don't . It is okay to stay home somethings and do some self reflecting, home alone activities or self care. Gradually, dark feminine energy became distorted as matriarchy fell and was overtaken by patriarchy. This dark moon phase is linked to the dark feminine. Lie on your bed without clothes and touch your body with your hands. Embracing your Dark Feminine energy isn't bad. Listen Embrace Your DARK FEMININITY song online free on Gaana.com. With him, you will feel safe and free of judgment to explore your own darkness. It is a part of the shadow self that must be acknowledged and . AND the kind of fearlessness the Dark Feminine offers is what we need tonavigate the shadowlands. Opening our hearts this way requires a great deal of courage, forgiveness, and vulnerability, which is challenging for us all, particularly if weve suffered previous wounds still lingering in our shadows. But this was total bullshit and had the opposite effect. Corporate author : UNESCO Corporate author : UNESCO Office in Beijing Person as author : Wantzen, Karl M. If you want to embrace your dark feminine energy, start embodying your Lilith sign Lilith in Aries :- Follow your instincts. Electric lighting can be turned on in one flick of a switch in our homes, while streetlamps bathe our towns in artificial light. Both women and men must embrace the full magnitude of the feminine, within and without, if we want to restore harmony to ourselves and the wider collective. Cycle after cycle after cycle, we give birth and we give death. Don't be afraid to express your activism on social media. 9 Realistic Ways To Dress More Feminine - The Ultimate Guide / Celebrities such as Rhianna, Beyonc, and Angelina Jolie are all great examples of women who have tapped into their dark feminine energy and channeled it in their art and self-expression. I find it difficult to even entertain the idea of having sex with someone I dont intimately know. You feel you have to be tough and strong. Over centuries our cultural narrative has conflated the concepts of dark and negative. Here are five ways to live within your authentic femininity while still valuing your power and individuality: 1. Slow down and feel. Explore your birth chart, buy yourself a set of beautiful oracle cards, or set up a sacred altar for spellwork and ritual. The Dark Feminine is the expression of the dark, positive, and necessary energy that captures the mysteries of womanhood and magic, the chaos of creation and destruction, death and birth, transformation, rage, fierce compassion, seduction, and pure spiritual ecstasy. Light feminine energy is all about the nurturing side of femininity associated with birth and motherhood. There are devouring dark Goddesses Kali Ma, Lilith, and Sekhmet, for example, who contain all-consuming, untamed and voracious energy. During the Autumn season, your energy levels start to drop in preparation for the bleeding phase. Feeling into our pain and addressing the root of it is how we break this vicious cycle. And it's gold. Yet accessing YOUR extreme passion, your emotional might, and channelingthis to what you care about is where the Dark Feminine comes into her own. The dark feminine isn't separate, but intrinsically part of the Divine Feminine: She IS the sacred essence of creation and destruction that ripples across (and deep within) the Earth. The light and dark aspects of the feminine work together to create wholeness, and this is how we as women can access our true power. Let yourself write without censoring. Its easy to confuse the terms light and dark with good and bad, especially if youve ever seen Star Wars, but this is not the case. Yes, you read that right. Dropping the center of your being into your womb, and perceiving life from there. So one of the best ways to access dark feminine energy is to be with a man who has embraced his dark masculinity. Of doing. Learning to honor your body and your yoni sets the tone for others to honor it too. So, take the first step towards a more empowered, authentic and fulfilling life by purchasing this book today! And even if your intentions are to keep things casual and no-strings, its very difficult to do this in practice. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey to embrace the divine feminine or have Read more. The Dark Feminine exists outside of space and time. The dark feminine is one-half of the divine feminine. Here are some practical tips I teach women on how you can connect to your femininity on a daily basis: Take full responsibility for your life and your dreams. "I felt this call to explore this aspect . Try Out These 12 Free and Legal Alternatives in 2022, 5 Best MIDI Keyboards For Garageband In 2023, Online PDF Translation Service | TransPDF, KPIs vs. Metrics: Whats the Difference & How Do You Measure Both? In contrast, autumn (the luteal phase) and winter (menstruation) are linked to dark feminine energy. Let your wild, dark feminine out so you expand yourself into higher states of consciousness. If we want to reclaim this dark side of ourselves, we must let go of any propaganda and limiting beliefs weve inherited and be open to welcoming her back into our lives. Use this time to connect to her by creating your own ritual, journaling, meeting your shadow self, and releasing anything you do not want to bring with you into the new cycle. Youve likely been hearing a lot of talk recently about divine feminine traits, but are dark feminine traits the same? Practice self-love 7. Yet this confusion and mislabeling only add to the fear and rejection of her traits as sinful, ugly, evil and undesirable. Embrace Your Feminine Side . She is at one with pleasure and desire and this dark side of the feminine. This is why men gravitate towards women that are soft, caring, and sensitive, and women desire men who are . But just like the act of forgiveness, opening your heart is not for other people; its for you. Youve probably heard of new moon and full moon rituals, but have you ever heard of a dark moon ritual? Not in a religious way (Im not religious), but in a spiritual sense. Required fields are marked *. There is a common misconception that the dark feminine is the shadow, but this is not true. When you do, play with making curvy, flowy motions. Let everything bubble up to the surface. Theres also this concept that when two people have sex, they dont just physically become intertwined but energetically bound. You are disconnected from your softer side. So be with her. Sharpen Your Communication Skills By Speaking Clearly And Intently. We cannot experience success without failure. Connecting with these Goddesses and their powers can help us reconnect with our dark feminine energy. Most of us carry deep feminine wounds, ancestral and present, rooted in the witch hunts. For example, Lilith embodies uncensored, unapologetic, untamed sexual energy and primal life force. This is the gateway to epic, soulful sex, where the dark feminine resides. So take some time every day to put together an outfit that makes YOU happy! Feminine zodiac signs exude passive energy and are ruled by the emotional moon. We cannot experience success without failure. Along with the rise of patriarchy came the rise of logic, and with the fall of the matriarchy came the shunning of intuition, creativity, and esoteric practices such as astrology, tarot, and spellwork. That's what I did. Play with different kinds of touch by varying pressure. Pick out pretty clothes, get a favorite lipstick color, wear your favorite jewelry, or buy a nice pair of fashionable shoes. 4. Ari Selene, 25, came across spiritual TikToks last July and transitioned into making dark feminine energy videos in November. Sometimes just changing up the outfit can do wonders for how we're feeling about ourselves. Together, Nikki and Sheila discuss the importanc How To RADIATE Feminine Energy *life changing*, 13+ Free Best Online Embroidery Classes & Courses! In life it's more than just superficial things, it's about the journey, the growth. To do so would mean you were labeled a witch, which is why there is still a certain degree of danger and fear associated with these. Dark feminine energy is for women who want to be mysterious, seductive & powerful with high standards. The dark feminine is our key to letting go of anything that no longer serves us, plunging into the unknown, reconnecting with our inner strength and power, feeling at home in our bodies and our sexual energy, accessing creativity, strengthening our boundaries and needs and knowing how to communicate them without guilt. Together we are not only stronger, but a force that will change the world. That any dark feminine expression is undesirable, unwanted, and probably harmful. Practice Self-Love. She lives inside caves and crevices. We are a mirror of her sacred cycle: the four seasons, the moon cycle, the elements, and the constant evolution. This kind of emotional intensity has also been shunned and shamed in women, only allowed out in particular scenes and scenarios (such as in the bedroom). Once you start to access this, youll find it has a magnetism of its own, and some people can find this very threatening be warned. Because whatever lurks in our shadows unconfronted will control us. Not in a religious way (Im not religious), but in a spiritual sense. 4. It is often described as receptive, dark, cool, soft, still, and contemplative. You may be surprised by what comes up. Suppressed for centuries, ridiculed, and shamed as something dangerous and false, the belief and practice of magic and witchcraft is an intrinsic part of the Divine Feminine mysteries. Activating Your Devine Dark Feminine Guided Meditation - Best Meditation, (Shandy Dhungana - Meditation and Spirituality ), 3. There are many shape-shifting dark Goddesses one is the Morrgan (the Phantom Queen) who shapeshifted into an eel, a wolf, and then into a cow. And She lives in our bodies too. Yet the kind of devotion unleashed when Dark Feminine energy is expressed is an active choice. Darkness in life reflects the sign of inability of our brain to cope up with the adverse circumstances. And the final way to tap into your dark feminine energy and reclaim your feminine power is to practice being open with yourself and others. And many of these missing pieces involve Dark Feminine traits. The Dark Feminine teaches us to embrace the thousand mini-deathswe must go through as we cycle through life. Have A Confident Mindset To Accomplish Your Goal. You might be wondering how to be more feminine, or you might be distancing yourself from femininity as much as you can because of your beliefs about what it means to be feminine. Wearing dark/black clothes can help us connect . Its a place of alchemy and magic. We can still see the effects of this today in the way that we distrust other women and stab each other in the back out of fear and scarcity. ???? This book is a must-read for anyone looking to transform their relationships and reclaim their power. She helps us recognize the patriarchal power plays at work, illuminate our shadows, and find our way back to our true natureand this is liberation and freedom. To love yourself and show yourself love, means many things. The Dark Feminine is a force, or stream of powerful spiritual energy that weaves its way through our world. Women, particularly practicing witches, became something to fear. The light is usually sweet and nave, whereas the dark is usually aloof and brooding. The liminal. ), but thats not true. The following chart shows that most men tested higher with masculine traits but still had a fairly high score for femininity as well. All and nothing. Eros as: The sensual, present-moment aliveness that we can all come into contact with if we learn how. Yet theres SO much wisdom in the latter parts of cycles. Women who dont develop their inner power tend to feel unconsciously unsafe and therefore need protecting. Especially if you learn to let go of things that feel heavy, give your body what it . Explore. The dark feminine has been repressed for so long because she doesnt fit the patriarchs idea of what a good woman looks like or how she behaves. A man standing in his dark masculine energy will ignite the dark feminine with us. Women were forced to turn on each other out of fear for their safety. Embrace Your Curves. About shedding old skins, and emerging into newer versions of your power. Treat Everyone How You Want to Be Treated. Traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, and understanding have been cited as stereotypically feminine. The deep, tangled forests and the unwieldy mess of decay and destruction are sacred parts of Mother nature and you, too, are nature. Because without their complicity, patriarchal structures will crumble. So opening up to the dark is a process of trusting the unknown for THIS is what She is. , How do you know if feminine energy is wounded? Even when you feel stuck or unsure what to write, keep writing! Lilith in Pisces :- Meditate and practice spirituality. To truly stand out with a black outfit, you must embody her energy. When you know you are spiritually supported, when you know you are held by your ancestors, when you know the Goddess is holding your hand as you follow a divinely orchestrated map, then you can live without fear. The divine feminine has been shunned for centuries. Rewarding yourself with simple pleasures can definitely lift your energy. Incorporate more yin energy in your space. Here is a quick description and cover image of book Embrace of the Daimon: Healing Through the Subtle Energy Body Jungian Psychology and the Dark Feminine written by Sandra Lee Dennis which was published in July 1, 2001. But just like the act of forgiveness, opening your heart is not for other people; its for you.