Why did Esther's story mean so much to Jews? The role that "seeds" played in the story of Esther is that in the king's palace, Esther ate seeds in order to observe the Torah's command to eat only kosher food. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. On the 13th of the month of Adar, the day when Hamans plot was scheduled to be executed, the Jews killed the 10 sons of Haman and 500 other men in Shushan (9:112). Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. The event was attended by people from one hundred twenty-seven provinces of Persia, a kingdom that stretched from India to Ethiopia. She was married to King Achashverosh, whom some identify as Artaxerxes (), 1 king of Persia. When Haman was named prime minister, the king had issued a general order that all were to bow to him. We do not do things our own way. When Esther was chosen to be queen, those close to her were very excited. This decree was obtained through a cunning deception that, at its core, was essentially an act of revenge on the part of Haman against Mordecai. We dont know from the Megillah. New York, 1967. Garden City, N.Y., 1971. At this time, the Israelites were also known as Jews. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Persian Queen Esther (492 B.C.c. Queen Esther uncovered Haman's plot and fought to thwart it. They are self-centered and think only about what is best for them. An imperial decree was issued across the kingdom to kill all Jews on the 13th of the month of Adar (3:1315). Much has been made of the similarities between the Jewish festival of Purim, which commemorates the rescue of the Jews by Esther and her adopted father Mordechai, and a Persian festival that celebrates the god Marduk and the female Ishtar and their victory over their rivals. According to Shhn, the purpose of Esther's happy marriage to Ahasuerus (preceded by an elaborate courtship and properly sanctified in a Zoroastrian wedding ceremony) was to give birth to Cyrus the Great (559530 bce), the king who issued the famous edict (539 bce) granting permission to many minorities, including the Jews of Babylonia (western Iran), to return to their homeland and rebuild their Temple. 1623-1624). Finally, it was Esthers turn to meet King Xerxes. Esther is the eponymous heroine of the Book of Esther.Set in the Persian Achaemenid Empire, it tells how king Ahasuerus seeks a new wife after his queen, Vashti, is deposed for disobeying him.Esther (called Hadassah when first introduced) is chosen to fulfill this role due to her beauty. Initially afraid of meeting the king unsummoned, Esther told Mordecai to ask the Jews to fast for 3 days and said that she would also do so (4:1516.). According to history, the king may have gone to battle with Greece during this time. The music of the Jewish Purim plays has not survived in notation, except for a few songs collected by 20th-century folklorists from surviving practitioners. After Mordecai came to know about Haman's scheme, he communicated it to Queen Esther and asked her to reveal her Jewish background to the king. Revealing her origins Queen Esther begged for and was granted the lifting of the edict as well as revenge against Haman. The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord. A search was conducted throughout the empire for a new queen, and Esther, a young Jewish woman, was chosen. (February 22, 2023). She was known for her beauty, intelligence and bravery. Examples of the cycle form may be found on an arch over the north portal of the Chartres Cathedral (13th century), a 17th-century Belgian tapestry in the cathedral of Saragosa, and an 18th-century set of Gobelin tapestries. When her opportunity finally came to appear before the king, Ahasuerus was immediately taken with Esther's attractiveness, and he made her his new queen. - 460 B.C.She became queen in 478 B.C.She saved the Jews in Persia in 473 B.C. The story opens at a palace in Persia at night time. She was an orphan. Despite being the book's namesake, Esther's role is frequently overlooked. Apparently, Queen Vashti refused to comply with her husband's degrading wishes. But this is the norm for MENA until the Mandates. 2. A second soiree leads to the disgrace of Haman, the elevation of Mordecai, the disclosure of the plot against the Jews, and, finally, royal permission for the Jews to protect themselves on the day of the planned uprising (Est. Instead, God provided her cousin, Mordecai, to care for her. 4:117). Here is where Esther entered the scene. He made the day a holiday and gave away expensive gifts (Esther 2:18). *Rapoport (in She'erit Judah, 1827) and, in complete form, by Meir Ha-Levi *Letteris (Shelom Esther, 1843). ." ." At Esthers banquet for the king and Haman, she requested that they come again tomorrow, and then she would tell them what she wanted (Esther 5:4). Say: The six-month party was followed by an additional seven-day party at the palace for EVERY man in the capital city of Susa. The King was very determined to show his great wealth to everyone. In 473 B.C., Esther managed to save the Jewish people of the kingdom from a massacre, a liferisking accomplishment that made her famous. When the book of Esther opens, the great-grandson of King Cyrus, a man named Xerxes, was king over the massive territory of Persia and Media. They make up their own ideas of what God is like, and they follow that. The book suggests that Esther, born to Abihail, was orphaned as a child and was thereafter adopted and raised by her cousin, Mordecai. 0 responses One of the biggest challenges she faced was convincing her husband, King Xerxes, to spare the Jewish people from destruction. Vashti is banished, a decree is issued that all wives must honor their husbands, and the stage is set for a search to replace the defiant queen. Popular single subjects were the toilet of Esther, the triumph of Mordecai, and the punishment of Haman. Although the date of her death is not known, Jewish tradition indicates that Queen Esther's tomb is in Hamadan, also known as Ecbatana, located in what is now western Iran. Esther was selected as Queen from among all the eligible women in the empire because she was beautiful of form and face.. Mishkinsky, Moshe; Spector, Shmuel "Esther The Persian King, Xerxes (a.k.a. We do not choose to sin. Answer Esther is the Jewish maiden who became queen of Persia and rescued her people from a murderous plot to annihilate them. Are cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, and bitpay the begining of one world government in the book of Revelation? He was born in 518BC. people from KingHerod evil wrath to hurt them. But Ahasuerus informed her that a royal edict could not be revoked, according to Persian royal custom. The story of Esther is full of drama, irony, violence, and strong characters. (The water should be very dark by now.) In a way that the children can see, pour the oil into a clear glass to show the oil is still clear. Encyclopedia.com. 22 Feb. 2023 . ." The modern-day Persian Jews or Iranian Jews are referred to as "Esther's Children. She is celebrated as a matriarch on May 24 in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. The Eastern Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox churches also acknowledge her as a saint. She was surronded by people who did not share her belief in God. None of the women would return to the king unless he summoned her by name (verse 14). The book tells how Mordecai, a Jew who had been carried off into captivity from Jerusalem with Jeconiah (Coniah), king of Judah (Esther 2:56), refused to bow down to Haman, the kings chief minister. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Once, while at the palace gate, Mordecai overheard a plot being hatched by two of the king's eunuchs to kill Ahasuerus. More embellishments appear in the Septuagint (LXX) version of the Book of Esther and many more in Jewish rabbinic and legendary (midrashic) sources. Esther is the lucky girl, but she hides the fact she's Jewish. She went to see the king on the third day of her fast, when the king stretched out his scepter to her, assuring that she would not be punished (5:12). Encyclopaedia Judaica. Mordecai revealed this information to Esther, who then told the king about the plot. *Liessin, and from 1901 in the *Bund. Encyclopedia of Religion. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"32MM4E3R74TF62BGdNCIVIbRGDqLu84Hf2fSbcXJcd8-86400-0"}; Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Say: Because the Israelites had disobeyed God, God allowed them to be taken captive. 1575), the text of which is the dialogue between Esther and Ahasuerus in the apocryphal additions to Esther (15:914). Application: Like Esther, you might find yourself surrounded by people who do not believe in the God you serve. The girl who is taken to Persian King Xerxes' palace rises to become queen and the one who works valiantly to protect her people from the enemy's evil schemes. 2 Later when King Xerxes' fury had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what he had decreed about her. But Esther's descendants were among those who decided to remain in their land of exile. Rabbah 6:5; BT . Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Brenner, Athalya, ed. ." She edited Bundist periodicals after the 1905 revolution. ." World Encyclopedia. 1 (1956), 33542, includes bibliography; E. Kirschbaum (ed. And let the king appoint officers throughout all the provinces of his kingdom to gather all the attractive young women to Susa the citadel. - Esther 2:2-3a NET. At the end of the two days, the Jewish warriors successfully defended themselves, and a catastrophe had been averted, thanks to Esther's intercession. 79; 4:387-388; 6:460n. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Esther was a symbol of Jews who lived successfully in an alien culture. She published two books on the subject in Yiddish: "On the Question of the Jewish National School" (1910) and "What Kind of National School Do We Need" (1917). Her story is recorded in the Old Testament book bearing her name. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! Jesus compared Christians to salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Say: Next week we will see what God does next in the lives of Esther, Mordecai, and a terribly wicked man named Haman. . From the late 17th century onward the Esther story attracted the attention of many serious composers. "Esther 2:49). In doing so, she placed her own life at great risk. Haman was hanged accordingly. So were the princes and the nobles of the territories he ruled over. It has been suggested that Mordecai served as a gatekeeper, and this position enabled him to stay in continual communication with Esther. At the time, she was only 25 years old a 25-year-old woman . Her family and friends were proud of her and celebrated with her. 13a). Jodi has over 20 years experience teaching children in large and small group settings. The Talmud said she was 75, based on gematria, although it was totally implausible. Because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of every believer (Romans 5:5), we are able to live pure lives, no matter where we are (1 Corinthians 10:13, Titus 2:11-12). Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/esther, Biblical story of a young Jewish girl named Esther who is sought as the bride of Ahasuerus, the King of Persia. She has also spent many years mentoring Middle School and High School girls. 7B. According to one translation of events, she refused to appear at the banquet "wearing her royal crown." After the Persians took control of Babylon, the Lord gave a message to King Cyrus. To which she replied: "Jewish elder! The Queen had a strong faith. Ask: What do you think was going through the Kings mind when he thought about Vashti? Esther was a Jewish woman who lived in Persia during the period following the destruction of the First Holy Temple, when many Jews had been taken as slaves to Babylonia, which was subsequently overtaken by Persia. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. The king signed Mordecai's new decree. See pages 335342. This is the very sinful world we live in. I don't know why this scene never stood out to me before. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Culture Society History. She is remembered as a great heroine in Jewish history. We would never have known her story and she would have faded into history. . He deposed Queen Vashti in 483/482BC when he was 36 ().He had a war against Greece in 480-470BC, when he was 39-49. God does not separate believers from those around them. Queen Esther 492 B.C. ." She had lost both her father and her mother and was raised by her older cousin, Mordecai (Esther 2:7). So the king became very angry. Legends of the Jews. The subject gave rise to a series of dramatic interpretations in France, beginning with the Huguenot playwright Antoine de Montchrtien's three verse tragedies, Esther (1585), Vashti (1589), and Aman (1601). It landed on the 13 th of Adar ( Esther 3:7 ). That is, King Ahasuerus had ordered Queen Vashti to expose herself in front of his male guests. Thinking that the king was talking about him, Haman advised that the man should be dressed in royal robes and the crown of the king, mounted on the king's royal horse, and glided around while a herald called "See how the King honors a man he wishes to reward!" as Hadasseh (a Jewish name meaning myrtle). This was around the time that Ahasuerus began to look for a new queen after his first wife, Vashti, was deposed. Esther was a young woman with a God gifted appearance. Vashti had always been jealous of Esthers position as queen, and she finally had her chance to take what she felt was rightfully hers. Translated by Henrietta Szold et al. Musicians such as Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (15251594) and George Frederick Handel (16851759) wrote motets and oratorios inspired by the tale, and playwrights as famous as Jean Racine (16391699) recast the narrative in dramatic form. . Haman was horrified and totally taken aback when the king instructed him to follow this for Mordecai (6:1011). Charpentier's quasi-oratorio Historia Esther (date unknown); G. Legrenzi's oratorio Gli sponsali d'Ester (1676); J.-B. Please ensure your answer MEETS all our guidelines. After the Babylonian empire was itself conquered by the Persians under Cyrus the Great, the exiled tribes were allowed to return to Jerusalem. . The message was written down. The Talmud reveals that Esther's relationship with Ahasuerus wasn't a romantic one. Esther remained passive and allowed the King to rape her repeatedly. Queen Esther by Edwin Long in 1878. With King Ahasuerus, she had one son, named Darius II, who would later rebuild the holy Temple in Jersusalem. ." Infuriated by the queens refusal to obey his order, Ahasuerus banished Vashti. 15b). In August 1940 she was sentenced to eight years in detention and died in the detention camp in Karaganda. She became involved in politics and diplomacy, and worked tirelessly to improve the lives of her people. God wants us to affect the people around us. April 24 2017 https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/esther, MICHAEL KENNEDY and JOYCE BOURNE "Esther King Xerxes plan of controlling Greece had failed. . Although she was very young, Esther was a wise and brave queen. It has everything a tale should have: tension, tragedy, and intrigue. It was the seventh year of the rule of Xerxes. - Esther 1:11, Say: In front of all the people of Susa, the Kings request was turned down. Say: King Xerxes was not angry any more. ), son of *David, king of Israel. When Esther became Queen, she was twenty-five years old. She immediately set about planning how she would rule her new kingdom. Tragically, Hadassah was orphaned at an early age. The original target audience was theJewish people. But before she made her request, she waited for three days and spent the time in fasting and prayer. He wanted her to come wearing her royal crown. Vashti (Hebrew: , romanized: Vat; Koin Greek: , romanized: Astn; Modern Persian: , romanized: Vti) was a queen of Persia and the first wife of Persian king Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther, a book included within the Tanakh and the Old Testament which is read on the Jewish holiday of Purim.She was either executed or banished for her . (Mark 6:20). This change was due in part to the fact that Esther was now the most powerful woman in the kingdom, and also because she had saved the kings life on more than one occasion. (31-5) Esther 2:10. "Esther put on royal apparel" (Esth. All the nobles and officials, military leaders, princes. The king also allowed the Jews to destroy the ones who were trying to kill them (8:114). Three other modern treatments are Izak *Goller's fantasy A Purim-Night's Dream (1931) and James Bridie's What Say They? As a woman, she was not in a position of power, just as Diaspora Jews were not members of the power elite. SOLOMON 80). Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist. This way, she was able to have a healthy, caloric diet while avoiding the royal yet unkosher meat and wine fed to the other queen candidates. With Mordecai and the Persian King, we see her humility. ." And so, Queen Vashti never saw the King again. Another change was that Esther began to take a more active role in the running of the kingdom. Queen Vashti was the next queen after Esther. S. Schwarz, The Jews in the Soviet Union (1951), index; lnyl, 1 (1956), 1413. Later, after the carrying away of the ten tribes, the term applied to all the Israelites (Jeremiah 32:12). ." Physical beauty and great courage were combined in her to such a degree that she merited having her name immortalized by becoming part of the Hebrew biblical canon. Encyclopedia.com. . Palestrina wrote a five-voiced motet, Quid habes Hester? Esther, however, did not reveal the fact that she was a Jew. She possessed the trait of patience. to Esther is in the Book of Esther, which does not mention Handel's masque Haman and Mordecai, with a text by John Arbuthnot and (probably) Alexander Pope based on Racine's drama, was first performed at the Duke of Chandos' palace near Edgware in 1720, and was Handel's first English composition in oratorio form. The military leaders of Persia and Media were there. Numerous details enhance the biblical account, which highlight Ahasuerus' credulity, Haman's arrogance, Mordekai's cleverness, and Esther's beauty and loyalty to her faith. A total of more than 75,000 people were killed by the Jews who, however, refrained from engaging in any more plunder (9:1617). Seeing that the king was well disposed toward her, she invited him and Haman to a private banquet, during which she did not reveal her desire, however, but invited them to another banquet, thus misleading Haman by making him think that he was in the queen's good graces. Encyclopedia of Religion. It would be final. In addition, the decree called for the confiscation of all of their property. For the King to be turned down by his very own queen in front of so many people was not alright with the king. He has appointed me to build a temple for Him at Jerusalem in Judah. 6). Other 17th-century works on the subject include Aman y Mardoqueo o la reina Ester, a play by the Spanish New Christian Felipe *Godnez; the refugee Portuguese Marrano Joo *Pinto Delgado's Poema de la Reyna Ester (Rouen, 1627), part of a volume dedicated to Cardinal Richelieu; Mardoche Astruc's Judeo-Provenal Tragediou de la Reine Esther; and Isaac Cohen de *Lara's Comedia famosa de Aman y Mordochay (1699). Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Culture Society History, The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, ESTHER Everyone was watching King Xerxes to see what he was going to do. ." After her parents died, she was adopted by her cousin, a man named Mordecai. SOLOMON (Heb. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America. When Haman appeared before the king to seek permission to hang Mordecai, the king asked Haman how he could honor a man who had been of great service to him (6:46). VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. At first violently opposed to the Bolsheviks, she later became a leader of the Kombund, and in May 1921 voted for the self-liquidation of the Bund and joined the Communist Party. . God blessed her greatly among the people, and she quickly rose to the position of queen. We may assume, therefore, that she was about 14 years of age when she succeeded to. Esther reigned as the queen of Persia for a period of about 13 years. The king held a party in his honor one day. Queen Vashti was wrong to refuse her husbands wish, but sending her away forever was a very sad solution. Finally, the king amended the law and saved the Jews thanks to Esther's courage and power. According to Scripture, Esther had no parents. She was determined to be a just and fair queen, and to make her people proud. The king eventually accepted her invitation and all went well, so Esther asked her guests to join her again the following night. . Esther handled this by being kind and forgiving to her stepmother, even though it was difficult. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. During the 17th century a drama, Esther (1644), was written by Pierre Du Ryer and a long epic poem of the same name (1673) by Jean Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, both in the austere religious manner of the period. She is credited with sparing her people, the Jews, from annihilation. Walfish, Barry Dov. The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. The following evening, when the king and Haman attended Esther's second banquet, the king promised her to grant any request that she made. The circumstances under which Esther became queen were that she was chosen from a group of eligible women to be the new queen after Queen Vashti was removed from her position. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Her intercession with Ahasuerus on behalf of the Jews was interpreted as a prefiguration of the Virgin's mediation on behalf of mankind. Esther is an account of what happens when we dont stay under the protection of Gods commands and promises. Note to teacher: The term, Jew, began as a name for anyone who lived in the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 16:6). And may the Lord your God be with you. - 2 Chronicles 36:22b-23. A representative of the extreme Yiddishists at the *Czernowitz Yiddish Conference, Esther was one of the main promoters in the Bund of Jewish education in Yiddish. The Legends of the Jews (19091938). Esther exemplified humility. Mordecai, the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjamin, raised Esther as his own daughter. ." Panabo | 5.4K views, 138 likes, 145 loves, 126 comments, 84 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Panabo City Information Office: LIVE | MAANYAG SA SYUDAD:. They had formed a bond based on love and trust, which when combined produces faith. Also, Jesus said we are the light of the world. 2:7), a testimony to the practice of Jews having double names, as do the heroes in *Daniel. Encyclopedia.com. On Esthers request, they repeated the massacre the following day, killing 300 more men (9:1315). Remember how Jesus said we should affect those around us, but they should not affect us? 22 Feb. 2023 . In the third year of his rule King Xerxes gave a big dinner. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Ichabod, ", Ests, Clarissa Pinkola: 1943: Writer, Psychologist, estimated average requirements for energy, https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther, http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05549a.htm, http://www.nisbett.com/people/bp-esther.htm, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther-0, https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther-0, https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/culture-magazines/esther, https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/esther. After Esther became queen, the kingdom changed in a number of ways. ." ), daughter of Abihail, an exile at *Susa, and heroine of the Book of Esther. But God will NOT forget His promise to make Israel a Great nation. How old was Esther when she became queen. The narrative of this post-exilic book also provides the etiology of Purim, the carnival-like holiday that Jews celebrate every spring with much merriment even in the early-twenty-first century. When her parents died, Mordecai adopted her and raised her in his home. 1995. In Queen Esther's Garden: An Anthology of Judeo-Persian Literature. Early Life Doubly orphaned as a young girl, Esther was raised by her cousin Mordechai, a wise and saintly Torah scholar and the leader of the Jewish people. She was crowned queen in place of Vashti. In the Jewish rabbinic and legendary (midrashic) texts, which range from the second to the fourteenth centuries, Esther's character, both physical and psychological, is richly enhanced. say was probably not a real, historical person. Darius must be 37 years old (62 minus 25) when he got married to Esther. The choice is Esther, a Jewess, who follows Mordecai's counsel not to reveal her ethnic-religious origins (Est. An initial soiree between the king and queen passes successfully. They are not living pure lives. The discord between the former queen and the king arose from Vashti's refusal to appear before his people at a great banquet, a one hundred and eightyday feast held in Susa. Encyclopedia.com. 13a). The author of the Book of Esther is believed to beMordecai, Esther's cousin. She was an orphan who grew up to become a brave queen who saved Israel from extinction. Say: Even when people make bad decisions, God can use it for His purposes. The hero of the Book of Esther is a Jewish woman who lived in Susa and became queen when she was chosen to be the wife of King . Later, the anger of King Xerxes calmed down. According to some sources, the tomb of Esther and Mordecai in Hamadan, Iran, which is considered the most important pilgrimage site for Iranian Jews, houses the remains of Esther and Mordecai. 3. in the aggadah: Ginzberg, Legends, index. https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/esther-0, "Esther "Esther," Catholic Encyclopedia,http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05549a.htm (January 6, 2005). Esther. Meanwhile, one of the viziers, Haman, is elevated to a position of high power. Meanwhile, Haman the Agagite was elevated to the top-most position in the court. 726. "Esther The king would meet with each of them, and the one he liked the most would take Vashtis place as queen (Esther 2:4). Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Culture Society History. When Vashti, the first wife of Ahasuerus, defied the king's wish to appear at his banquet and display her beauty, she was banished. He became very angry. 10th century BCE)known also as Bilqis and as Makedafigures prominently in Judaic, Islamic, and, Solomon Queen Vashti was beloved by her husband and by the people. Esther, as depicted in the Bible, was a pious woman who demonstrated great faith, resolve, mercy, and courage combined with reasonable caution. , hypocoristic masculine proper name containing the theophoric element Marduk), name of two Biblical figures: 22 Feb. 2023 . He appointed Esther as the new Persian queen. Paris, 1956. The other people in the world are not following God. , perhaps from , "the exalted one" with the prefix [i;] meaning "Where is the Exalted One / Prince?" How can this scenario be backed up in scripture? Esther is one of the Tanakh's few true queens. in the arts: R. Schwartz, Esther im deutschen und neulateinischen Drama des Reformations-Zeitalters (1894); E. Wind, in: Journal of the Warburg Institute, 4 (1940), 1147; M. Roston, Biblical Drama in England From the Middle Ages to the Present Day (1968), 7274; L. Rau, Iconographie de l'art chrtien, 2, pt. Stir and show the pitcher to the kids. One of the few works on the subject in the second half of the 18th century was K. Ditters von Dittersdorf's oratorio La liberatrice del popolo giudaico nella Persia o sia l'Esther (1773). They choose to hurt other people. They were to be cared for by Hegai and prepared to appear before the king at some point. There have been numerous plays about Esther from the early 20th century onward: Esther, princesse d'Isral (1912) by Andr Dumas and S.C. Leconte; H. Pereira *Mendes' Esther and Harbonah (1917); Max *Brod's Esther (1918); John Masefield's Esther (1922), a pastiche of Racine; and other works of the same name by Felix *Braun (1925), Sammy *Gronemann (1926), and the U.S. dramatist Sonia V. Daugherty (1929).